"You know it the second you hear it. Party in a power chord. Few are as recognizable as the staple of rock and roll, AC/DC, and ‘Thunderstruck: America’s AC/DC Tribute’ keeps that party going.
Rocking from the town of Louisville, KY, the group consists of vocalist Bobby Lee Stamper, Kevin Feller on rhythm guitar, Chris Jones on bass ,Corey Baetz on drums and Tyler Melen on lead. Starting out with what I can only compare to as something straight out of ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog’ mixed with a ride at Disney, you’re aboard a freight train barreling down the tracks through what looks like an old abandoned western town. Texas perhaps?
Then the party starts. Between the thundering vocals of Bobby Lee sounding just like any era of AC/DC; which as a vocalist, sounding like either AC/DC singer for even one song is an accomplishment, let alone an entire night, and a tighter than a tiger rhythm section, this powerhouse tribute smashes the spirit of AC/DC in your face with horns in the air.
I saw spectators from 8 to 80 in attendance. It was a non-stop thrill ride from beginning to end that didn’t stop once, except for a quick pause to admire the moon…you’ll know what I mean when you go. But by far the main attraction was the energy and ability of one Tyler Melen, lead guitar. This dude's command of the guitar was almost perfection, topped by the fact he didn’t stop moving, like EVER." - Joe Taylor, Local Musicians Media
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Photo: Preston Hooks, Flashover Photography